Instructions Not Included

A new play written by Claire Frost; Instructions Not Included is a witty exploration of the quest to balance a creative soul and a marketing brain.

It’s a comedy about Parker, a woman torn between her dreams of becoming an actor and the carefully curated persona she markets online.

As Parker takes her first steps toward creating art, Marley disrupts the process forcing Parker to confront the hilarious and challenging battle between pursuing creativity and self-promotion in 2024.

This show debuted in Melbourne Fringe 2024.

Follow the journey:

Instagram @instructionsnotincludedplay

Facebook: /instructionsnotincludedtheplay

Cast & Crew



"If you are looking for something fresh and fun, brimming with heart and wit, ‘Instructions Not Included’ is well worth the price of admission." - Theatre Matters (


"Instructions Not Included by Claire Frost has hilarious insight into selling a show! A must see for artists and producers!" - Miss Maple Rose (

"So good and I loved seeing how much it had evolved from that first draft." - Fiona Harris (

"I saw this brilliant play last night. If you ever get the chance to see it, especially if you are in the arts, go!" - Bronwyn Lewis (

Audience Feedback

  • "This definitely should have an another run”

  • “I'm just so blown away by how good that writing was. I can't even believe it's [Claire Frost's] first one! So relatable, so hilarious, funny, clean, and just slick!”

  • ‘Great casting, was funny and totally relatable. Loved every second of it. Go and see it!’

  • ‘A witty and wholesome production driven by the chemistry of the two performers - Clarke makes you cry with both laughter and emotion!’

  • ‘This clever show held a mirror up. The rub between art and economics is a constant battle that we're often made to feel guilty about. Loved it!’

  • ‘Looooved this show!! So clever, relatable, deeply felt and funny. Just wished I had got to see it a second time now knowing what I know by the end.’

  • ‘Funny, heartfelt, deep, creative, punchy and some of the tightest, wittiest writing I've seen. Bravo, bravo!’

  • ‘Really drilled in to creative soul V marketing bravado in a funny and philosophical way. I found it meaningful and really relevant, many thanks!’

  • "Great show thanks! Youse really drilled in to the topic of creative soul V marketing bravado in a funny and philosophical way. I found it really meaningful and relevant, and close to the bone! I have even claimed my ticket as a business expense, to be schooled on how to wrangle these archetypes in my creative work 💜"

  • "Well that was sooo clever and funny and so good!!"

  • "So poignant and funny"

Production Stills


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Do It Again But Better Interview 2024


That's Claire